David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.“I cannot go in these, ” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. -1 Samuel 17:39 (NIV)
I have the privilege of working with a group of lay preachers who share the preaching ministry in our church with me. One or two of them have had teaching and preaching experience before but to most of them (there are six), this has been a new enterprise. The privileges are many, but chiefly the Joy of working with people who want to learn and grow both in the craft of proclamation and in their own lives before God.
When I was still in seminary training, to be a good preacher was a great desire of mine (it still is) and to that end, I was trying hard to imitate the content and style of hood preachers I had heard. I followed, to little success, the advice of my homiletics professor and created a card index of sermon illustrations. It was all very disciplined and orderly and the right things to do - imitate those you wish to emulate and follow the best practices of those who know what they are doing. And it drove me mad.
Enter a pastoral supervisor I had in my last year of seminary. Merv understood that the proclamation of the word is not the following of a formula or set of practices. While talking about sermon preparation, he one day asked me, "How do you usually communicate in conversation?". "I like to tell stories and anecdotes." was my response. He then encouraged me to do just that in my preaching. What is at the heart of preaching is allowing the Word of God to be reflected through the prism of one's unique gifts and person. There is value in imitation and emulation, but I cannot be someone else in the pulpit.
David could not use Saul's armor and weapons. They were not his and he was not used to them. David was successful against Goliath because he had confidence in God (also central in preaching) and because he used the tools he was familiar with, a sling and some stones. Not the things recommended by the experts, but David's preferred and familiar weapons.
As I work with these lay preachers, my goal is not for them to use my tools as they preach the Gospel, but rather that they would discover the power and efficacy of their own.